Data Realms Fan Forums

Arm rotations (offsets?)
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Author:  Visage [ Sun Jun 01, 2014 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Arm rotations (offsets?)

Is there some way to rotate an arm's position other than by directly rotating the sprite?

Basically, I'm trying to get the offsets to work on a weird arm, and simply rotating the sprite isn't gonna cut it since I'd need ~45 degrees, and I can't sprite.
(I stole the sprites :P)

Changing the offsets of the weapon held is definitely an option. (I don't care what the actor looks like holding a gun that isn't made for it, and I don't care what other people will look like using those weapons. I'll probably make the weapons blow up when they hit the ground anyhow.)

Slightly off topic: is there some way to make an AHuman that can't pick up guns? I suppose I could just attach lua that makes him autodrop everything, but that would still look/act weird.

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