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Help with editing variables, gun too terrain-rapey
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Author:  cooldude1128 [ Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Help with editing variables, gun too terrain-rapey

So I've been editing this heavily modified assault rifle, and it's almost to where I want it. Except one thing, it's far too damaging to the terrain.
I've messed with a few of the variables I'd imagine are responsible to no avail, so can you guys tell me how to fix this?

Author:  clunatic [ Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with editing variables, gun too terrain-rapey

300 sharpness is insanely high and even a mass of 1 is high for just a bullet. The ronin m16 has bullets with 0.2 mass and 20 sharpness for instance..

Author:  cooldude1128 [ Mon Oct 27, 2014 8:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help with editing variables, gun too terrain-rapey

clunatic wrote:
300 sharpness is insanely high and even a mass of 1 is high for just a bullet. The ronin m16 has bullets with 0.2 mass and 20 sharpness for instance..

Ah, lol. 250 is how sharp the template I got was, so I figured that's normal. I'll decrease that a lot.

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