Data Realms Fan Forums

How to make it so that the AI uses all tools like diggers
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Author:  Someone64 [ Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  How to make it so that the AI uses all tools like diggers

I use lots of mods with plenty of melee weapons and other things capable of digging but it seems that a change in the AI in B30 makes it so that the AI only uses vanilla diggers and nothing else as melee weapons (flying straight into the enemy and digging them to death) and diggers. How do I make it so that the AI uses any tool at its disposal for those purposes sorta like in the older versions of CC? I tried adding all the tools to the digger group but that didn't work then I tried quickly replacing all instances of "digger" with "tool" in the AI files in Base.rte but that didn't work either.

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