Data Realms Fan Forums

[Solved] Failed to load hand bitmap in Arm::Create
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Author:  Pantera1993 [ Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  [Solved] Failed to load hand bitmap in Arm::Create

RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Assertion failed: Failed to load hand bitmap in Arm::Create

The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

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I'm getting this error when I try to load my mod. I've triple checked, the hands are where the code is checking. One thing I recently changed was using the same arm for FG and BG, could this be causing the crash? I've tried using the same arm for FG and BG in a previous version and the game loaded right up so I'm thinking that can't be the problem.

EDIT: The hand .bmp loads fine when called for by another limb, so it seems to be this instance only where the bmp is failing to load.

Search only pulled up one other instance of this error with no replies, here's hoping there's more support this time around!

Solved: Turns out it was just an extra space at the end of the instance name of the arm that was referencing the hand .bmp file.

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