Data Realms Fan Forums

Diablo/Megaman Mods
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Author:  Giro Hikari [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Diablo/Megaman Mods

Note: these ideas are also in the mod idead thread but as i see there is not many who venture there. My two ideas are first a Diablo mod. Diablo 1 should be alittle easer to sprite. and Megaman mods i put some sprites up in the mod ideas forum so if you want them you can get them there.

P.S. beacuse im new they should be on the last few pages.

Author:  TheGhost [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo/Megaman Mods

It Depends on which Characters and Sprites you use, if you look at teh tallest Crobo, thats the best height for any character on CC. For Characters, i think Diablo II characters would rule, i wouldnt feel so bad about killing the skeletons with a stick lol.

oh, and you should think about using Bows and spells as weapons, mellee just doesnt work for CC.... yet.

Author:  Shade [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo/Megaman Mods

TheGhost wrote:
oh, and you should think about using Bows and spells as weapons, mellee just doesnt work for CC.... yet.

Yes it does.

Author:  Pyrorex [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo/Megaman Mods

TheGhost wrote:
It Depends on which Characters and Sprites you use, if you look at teh tallest Crobo, thats the best height for any character on CC. For Characters, i think Diablo II characters would rule, i wouldnt feel so bad about killing the skeletons with a stick lol.

oh, and you should think about using Bows and spells as weapons, mellee just doesnt work for CC.... yet.

OT: I'd stop posting in color if I were you, just ask 3 Solid...

Author:  3 solid [ Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo/Megaman Mods

Posting in color is bad for your health. Admins and Mods don't like it.

This sounds good. I would help, but I'm a bit busy with my first mod.


OK it does, but not as much.

Author:  Giro Hikari [ Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Diablo/Megaman Mods

i didn't think this would get so much attention :D

any way the melee would kinda work but it would need digger mechs to do it as i saw with the dagger mod. but i guess the sprites would be alittle off with the pallete of the game because it is still not even beta yet. i dunno, if you try using modified sprites it would work because both games have a top down perspective.

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