Data Realms Fan Forums

Ancient Bunker [Concept]
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Author:  Levelx [ Sat Aug 11, 2007 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Ancient Bunker [Concept]

I'm updating the Twinhills scene bunkers to make them bigger and more stylish.
First bunker will have layers of defense, and have a rusted warehouse look to it. Second base will look more alien, and have great above-ground defense and rocket coverage (still in the works).

UPDATE: New version ready for download
Added defensive spots, and spaced everything way out to give those actors some much needed breathing room. Check it out!
Since the bunker's so big (about a screen 1/2) it's split into two sections: top and bottom. That way if you run out of room you can just use smaller bunker pieces to finish it. I'm still in the process of adding/removing stuff from it, so if you think it needs something let me know, and i'll try to add it :grin:

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