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Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]
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Author:  Xery [ Wed May 18, 2011 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon Beta V0.04

Asklar wrote:
Xery, you should read the thread, I already asked that.
Azukki wrote:
That's been in there for a long, long time.
See how the blood effects are all randomized in color, and awesome?
I was going to have skin colored gibs like that, but never got around to completing it.
I'll resolve that issue in coming releases, but for now, the assault rifle works, with gibs.

Oh, I ignored it. Thanks for telling me.

Jackal wrote:
Oh, I thought the game would not run if a script isn't correct. Is that just for ini?

In my experience, over half of the errors of script won't crash the game, sometime nothing
happens(fail to realize functions), or things behaving strangely(repetitive execution of the collect part of code)

Author:  Asklar [ Wed May 18, 2011 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon Beta V0.05

It's ok Xery.

Hey Azukki, when will you add the neck breaker?

Author:  Azukki [ Thu May 26, 2011 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon Beta V0.05

I'll add the neck breaker move... probably some time in June?

I was going to do some more polishing for this release, but now I'd rather just release it as-is.
Delays due to distractions including but not limited to: lightning-fried modem, King Arthur's Gold, Half Life 2, Killing Floor, Sleep

V0.06 Released
---Limited ammo is now applied to all primary weapons, but not secondary weapons. I'll continue this pattern until I change my position on limited ammo again. :???: Hexad has 36 rounds.
---Assailant has its effective range and magazine nerfed a tad. The latter mostly so burst mode starts with a full burst. The former mostly for aesthetics.
---Grande Launcher added. Yes, grande. Based on this. awm nawt trawnit ain't no way im trianit I might make the sprite be more Shadow Echelon styled at some point, or not, I dunno. Suggestions on that? It definitely needs gibs and sounds still.
"A massive 80mm single-shot grenade launcher. Its automatic ejecting mechanism dampens the tremendous recoil so it doesn't rip off your arm, and it makes reloading quick. 6 shells included."
---The Wrist Breaker has been replaced with the AutoMag, which is faster, weaker, and more balanced, but it's still very powerful and sharply recoiling.
"Magnum firepower, with an action fast enough for you to fire again before even recooperating from the recoil, thanks to rifle-complexity innards! Guaranteed to be the flashiest sidearm on the battlefield!"
---Ammo count for dropped limited-ammo weapons, although I only remembered to incorporate this on the Assailant, not the Hexad nor Grande. Already fixed for v0.07.
---Skinbone.Lua properly referenced, (a big deal it seems) :P

V0.07 will have a designated marksman rifle based on an AR10. I'm experimenting with bonus headshot damage and a laser sight that aligns with the scripted muzzle-rise recoil, so that might be cool.

Author:  wooden [ Thu May 26, 2011 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.06]

awwwwwwww i liked the wrist breaker

Author:  Azukki [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head"]

Let's call this the "aim for the head" update.
Just like old times, eh?
Also a battle rifle with bonus headshot damage and an optional laser, which is a tad ironic for me to have made since the M14 EBR is by far my least favorite weapon of Killing Floor. Well, maybe not by far, dual 9mm is pretty awful too, but I digress.

V0.07 Released
--ROATS Rifle: Reach out and touch someone. In the face. At mid/long range. Usually lethally, thanks to bonus headshot damage.
--ROATSR+L: the ROATS Rifle, with an added extreme visibility laser sight, which projects a dot where you're aiming, accounting for the current recoil. Handy for getting back on target, but not the stealthiest or most lagless of weapons. Come B25, I'll just make the laser sight toggleable instead of a separate variant.
--Neck Snapper: A glove that the rifleman always has, allowing him to snap necks, should his other weapons fail him. If used on a heavy enemy, helmeted enemy, or from the front, it may take a couple tries. Fully enclosed helmet equipped enemies [eg Browncoat Heavy] are immune. Cannot be given to others or sold for profit.
--Neck Breaker: A glove that, when bought and equipped, allows anyone to use the very same neck breaker technique.

The problem noticed immediately after release this time: Dead Riflemen spew out Neck Snappers, and although they're invisible and disappear on contact with the ground, the HUD element for dropped weapons does show for them. Fixed for V0.08 already.

Author:  thesoupiest [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head" Update]

The neck-snap would be fantastic-er if you could find a way to make it turn the actor's head around.

Author:  Azukki [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head" Update]

I tried that when first making it, but couldn't find a way.
I'll take another look into it now, but don't get too hopeful about it.

Any ideas on making the beam more continuous instead of sparkly, without horrible lag?

Author:  thesoupiest [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head" Update]

A forward-fired AEmitter which produced shot effect in both directions would help to make a continuous beam.

Author:  Azukki [ Fri May 27, 2011 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head" Update]

Can't use HFlipped on child objects, and I'm using Lua to place the beam particles. Thanks, though.

However, I did adjust the laser to be way better, with fading, range limits, and lots of small short-lived particles. See: V0.075
Feedback on the laser would especially be appreciated. Would a continuous beam, like that of the layzor script be better than the default flickery layzorfade script? Maybe a different color?

Author:  Xery [ Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.07 "Aim for the Head" Update]

All the code of this mod are super helpful to me. It's one of the best mod I've ever seen.

Author:  Asklar [ Fri May 27, 2011 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.075 "Aim for the Head" Update]

But... but...
The Wrist Breaker was so awesome!!!
Can we have it back, please? =D

Author:  Azukki [ Fri May 27, 2011 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.075 "Aim for the Head" Update]

For V0.08 (it's not released yet, I'm just giving an overview of progress)
--I've reincorporated a defensive actor, the Sentinal. Low mobility, good armor, perks with machine guns and shotguns.
--I'm working on a shotgun, with which you individually load shells. Also with an adjustable choke. Right now it works, but I need to make it look good and make the AI use it right. It's tempting to copy CC48's shotgun to some extent, pending permission, but I think I'll just do it independently.
--I've reincorporated the Wrist Breaker, but it is deactivated by default. You'll have to uncomment the respective line in the Index.ini to activate it. I may make it official again at some point, but not before major alterations to it, to make it better and more differentiated to the AutoMag.
--I've made the ROATS laser work under all conditions while held, instead of giving console errors unless you're holding it and have fired a couple times.
--I've given the Hexad a reloading style like the shotgun, but you also eject shells as you insert them, Peacemaker style.
--I was fiddling with a PDW that penetrates and 'sprays' well, but does halved wound damage, but that feature's pointless when GibWoundLimits are more relevant to killing enemies than health, so I scrapped that idea.

Later on, I might
--Add machine guns, perhaps including some of these features: bipod, static mount, shared ammo with respective rifles, overheating, crew operation.
--Add a support actor, a low armor, low mobility, cheap noncombatant AHuman. He'd be for piloting vehicles, operating turrets, assisting with crew operated weapons, etc.
--Make the rifles 'modular', allowing them to be configured in multiple ways. Grenade launcher, scope, extended mags, etc. These wouldn't be purely upgrades, though, I'd be sure to give them drawbacks, so the best choice would never be "I'd like a tacticool rifle with everything on it, derp"
--Rework and standardize the recoil scripts. They usually work at the moment, but always working would be far better.

Author:  Azukki [ Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.08]

It looks like it's about that time again. V0.08 released. Now too big for DRLFF attachments!
-Sentinel (Defensive actor [improved armor, lesser mobility])
-Behemoth (Shotgun [AA12])
-Ironsides (Shotgun [KSG])
-Laser now standard on the ROATS rifle, disabled when actor is in Sentry AI mode.
-Various improvements to scripts (less likely to shoot yourself when shooting something at point blank, hopefully more reliable functionality, etc)
-Nanogun (Gatling gun [GAU22e/s]) uncomment in index.ini to activate
-Wrist Breaker (Huge Revolver [previously scrapped, reimplemented]) uncomment in index.ini to activate

To reload Ironsides and Hexad, hold the pie menu open and grenades/shells will be loaded one by one. Yes, this is kinda annoying and unideal, but it's the only way that really works to achieve that effect on all inputs [controller/keyboard/mouse] with B24. Maybe I could add a keybinding later so that easier for keyboard users, but still functional with all inputs?

As always, any feedback and comments are appreciated. I'd especially like to hear suggestions, bug reports, and complaints.

Author:  Xery [ Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.08]

Great update.
the reloading of Ironsides and Hexad remind me of this: viewtopic.php?f=61&t=17571

Oh, and the index.ini need a simple fix at line 36.

Author:  ScientistSalarian [ Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.08]

Eh, my game crashes whenever I start it with this mod.

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