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Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]
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Author:  ScarabParamit [ Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

I was testing simple code i'm using for shell bounce sound emitter(it was...ShortestDistanceRay or something like that...i don't remember)...and scan heigh of barrel above ground and just modify recoil properties before "recoil aply part" if weapon its close enough to terrain objects, and if auto-aplying animated bi-pod was in inventory which is added as an attachment to weapon... this is another part i'm working on...

As for Bgarm... i think "if not self.z.BGArm then" might work...

I didn't fix "last round loss while reload by AI", i know its intended to loose last round for AI as script is to slow before AI code force reload, there must be a way to fix this...but as You mentioned its rather low priority.


Author:  Demonicidiot666 [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

If anyone wants to know, this works with 1.0 even if it's B27. Just saying. I use it and LOVE it. Nice with combination of braindead. :wink:

Author:  Notsoscary [ Sat Dec 01, 2012 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Demonicidiot666 wrote:
If anyone wants to know, this works with 1.0 even if it's B27. Just saying. I use it and LOVE it. Nice with combination of braindead. :wink:

ya it works with 1.0 if i remember correctly, but dont combine it with Braindead, the weapons are kind of weak against dem Zombies.

Author:  Demonicidiot666 [ Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Notsoscary wrote:
Demonicidiot666 wrote:
If anyone wants to know, this works with 1.0 even if it's B27. Just saying. I use it and LOVE it. Nice with combination of braindead. :wink:

ya it works with 1.0 if i remember correctly, but dont combine it with Braindead, the weapons are kind of weak against dem Zombies.

Then i did it wrong! I combined it! :) But it makes it harder to play braindead, and i like it that way!

Also, for the mod maker, you should get a story behind the Echelons using limited ammunition.

Author:  Azukki [ Fri Dec 07, 2012 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

They were late to the ammunition nano assembler handout convention, and they're not conjuror warlocks?

I'd say everyone else needs a story behind their unlimited ammo, if anything.
But really, we all know it's the result of developer gameplay intentions, so bothering to hand-wave it either way isn't really a worthy priority I think, especially when the entirety of the story of [SE] is "A renegade paramilitary group" and the game-given story of CC isn't a lot either.
I did have some interest in giving them a back story, which had something to do with them being or once having been the covert operation forces of a shadow government of a space colony, but when I found that CC itself seemingly won't have much of a story, it seemed out of place.

But aside from philosophy-of-design and scrapped story blabber, I'm still hoping to muster up some interest/concentration and get the update up to snuff for release, but it just hasn't happened yet.

Author:  Demonicidiot666 [ Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Azukki wrote:
They were late to the ammunition nano assembler handout convention, and they're not conjuror warlocks

Works for me... :)

EDIT: Also, i'll make a "My favorite Cortex Command mods" video. This will be on first place! :wink: Oh! And i thought about putting a video of my ((mostly)modless) missile silo, and i would put some backstory behind it used by the SE (on earth maybe?)
So i thought i would ask you for permission. :) Have a nice day!

Author:  Jackslancer [ Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Can someone PLEASE aid me in my quest to discover why exactly the actors lag in 1.05? Is it a simple task or am I missing something?

Thank you.

Author:  Hellevator [ Fri Apr 05, 2013 4:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Jacks, Ill try to remedy this.

Can we fix it? No we can't!
I'm afraid I'm unable to find the problem and there's scary LUA bits in there.

Author:  Jackslancer [ Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

Hellevator wrote:
Jacks, Ill try to remedy this.

Can we fix it? No we can't!
I'm afraid I'm unable to find the problem and there's scary LUA bits in there.

Ah then it must need updated Lua. This might be harder than I think it is because the ammo system was made using B27 lua.

Maybe it won't be THAT hard. Well I'll give it a go. Thanks.

Author:  uberhen [ Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [V0.12 B27 "Cerberus Machine Gun"]

With Azukki's blessing, I've redone the audio in his mod to reduce the file size by around 86% when decompressed. It used to be around 29 megabytes, and it's now about 4. I guarantee you won't notice the difference in-game.

Here's the download link.

Author:  ScarabParamit [ Tue May 07, 2013 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]

Hey Azzuki, finnaly new version on the way? =>
I still learn in modding this game and lua, and finally i fixed "last round AI" in the way it always works exacly, for AI and player, rounds are always removed when needed and there is no more loss of round if we reload with last bullet in mag. Simple and always works, no timers or gliches without mag (if AI script remove mag before script update or third party script delete mag to stop litter battleground.

As for all other things I ammo pool based on inventory items, or way to make bullets "fly out gun muzzle" only with theirs scripts activated (there is a lag that shows if we fire fast projectiles in front of a wall from small distance etc.) i would like to wait until i make package I'm proud of and make sure there is no bugs and everything is optimized as far as my skill provide,
but as for now i have stable working solutions of those problems/realization of ideas, so either You can focus on something more hectic or make Your own ver. to compare, maybe there is better way than mine =]
I also rebuilded holster and sling scripts so now last used gun is shown, so there is no more priority and updating weapons list is not a pain anymore, also scripts runs only once and disable itself until it needs to update once more as optimization is my Priority II, now i will work on ver. with priority GoldCost dependant.

Send me PM if You want this and maybe other fix'es of problems of limited ammo
...or You want to just check mod/script as it is (as a mess of working polished and wip chaos xD)

Sorry if this is no place for such info, and ofcourse for my poor English.
Kind Regards and thank You, without people like You and cortex dev. i would never learn lua so fast =)

P.S. uberhen... i love Your Southlands v1 map! xD

Author:  ATOS Productions [ Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]

I know it's been long since last post, but whatever. The point is, the weapon names are bit off. Example - Pribor Tribarrel. It seems that you wanted a Kalashnikov-alike name, but the problem is - "pribor" means "product" in Russian. Product Tribarrel?
Yet another thing - all those names like Korborov, Nikonov, and so on sound like Russian/Polish/alike last names. While the idea itself isn't bad, I'd recommend making it like AK series. Example: the classic AK-47. AK stands for Автомат Калашникова (Kalashnikov's Autorifle), the 47 stands for year 1947. - IIRC that's when the designs were finished. The upgraded version ('59 to '74 IIRC) is called AKM. The AK still is the same, the M means "modernized".

Author:  Azukki [ Sat Mar 08, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]

ATOS, most of the names you brought attention to are not "off"; most of them are "on"; exactly how I want them.
I know how the AK series naming conventions work; [SE] naming conventions differ from them on purpose.
I have no interest in using official names of exact models of real guns, because that would be unrealistic, because [SE] guns do not accurately portray any exact models of existing guns. Rather, they try to accurately portray feasible fictional variants of real guns, chambered in [SE]'s fictional calibers, and also with whatever other tweaks I feel like.
I also don't want to make the names very technical sounding; abbreviations and numbers just don't have much memorability or charm to them, in my opinion.
I do, however, like to reference the inventors of the guns that [SE] guns are redesigns of. And that's where most of the names come from.

Youriy K. Alexandrov is the inventor of the balancing system in the AK-107. (That's "Alexandrov/Kalashnikov 107", rather than "Avtomat Kalashnikova 107")
Gennadiy Nikonov is the inventor of the AN-94.
German A. Korobov is the inventor of the TKB-022.
Korobov is also the inventor of the Pribor 3B and its later redesign, the TKB-059. "Korobov" was already taken by the [SE] TKB-022 variant. I didn't want to call it German, and I don't know what the A of his middle initial stands for. So I couldn't name it after the inventor. I didn't like the look of "3B", so I made an assumption of what it meant, and replaced it with "Tribarrel".
Mikhail Kalashnikov needs no introduction. RIP.
Mikhail's son, Victor Kalashnikov, is the inventor of the PP-19 Bizon.
Ján Lučanský is the designer of the CZ Scorpion EVO 3.
Renaud Kerbrat is the inventor of the Kriss Vector.
"Remizov" is a surname, chosen to follow the pattern of the other [SE] -ov guns. Since the [SE] Remizov is a fictional variant of a fictional variant, I think being named after a fictional inventor is suitable.
Maybe I'll rename the Flatline to Stoner, or swap it out entirely for another -ov; a Dragunov.

(I'm putting way more thought into this than any sane man would, I know. :roll: )

Scarab, sorry for not replying for so long. I think I did update my usage guidelines in the OP to reflect what I thought about you making your own version, though, not too long after seeing your reply.
I appreciate it, but I'm not interested in directly incorporating your solutions all at once. With my limited understanding of Lua, if I switched to your complete reworkings of several major scripting mechanics, I fear that I would be overwhelmed with the unfamiliarity, and then I would be even less inclined to keep working on [SE]. And I'm already to the point of not even posting in the thread yearly. :oops:
I would be interested to take a look at your solutions, though, and gradually incorporate them, (credited obviously) as I gain understanding of them.

If you want to release your [SE] version separately, go for it, but please do so in another thread to avoid comments on your version getting misattributed to my official version, or vice versa.

In other news, I'm playing around with updating [SE], since the DRL dev log's recent activity has brought some of my interest back to CC.
No timeframe promises or anything, I just wanted to clarify that [SE] isn't abandonware, not yet, anyways.

Author:  TheFunsizeNinja [ Sun Mar 09, 2014 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Shadow Echelon [Low Filesize Version]

Yaaayyy, it's not dead! Always liked this faction, but it was sometimes too squishy.

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