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AmmoSquall Beta Release TROLLIFY
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Author:  thesoupiest [ Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

Nonsequitorian wrote:
Whereas Soupiest may be pushing the boundaries on what we view as an actor,

On a more serious note, this is a pretty awesome mod. The Leash + Kick combo is very satisfying.
A few nitpicks, though - The Laser weapons don't always make their glow trail effects, or even cause damage. In fact, this actually happening is the rare bit.
Perhaps the guns produce a bit too much smoke for their damage and sounds. Perhaps a bit of retooling could be done to make the guns' visual, audible, and physical effects all line up nicely.

Elsewise, this is fantastically done. The sprites are all top-notch and you fill every role very nicely. I want more out of you, Seq!

Author:  KravenDanger [ Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

The laser rifle freezes the game very briefly if I fire it while sharp-aiming, and doesn't fire at all if I'm moving. The laser pistol just doesn't shoot period. I think I got it to fire just once. I'm not quite sure what the kick or leash is supposed to do. Maybe add a description?

Author:  David Rodrigov [ Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

Minecraft TNT

You're my hero.

Author:  Xery [ Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

You may need to correct the offset of the charge gun's charge effect.

Author:  Girojas [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

:shock: Parkour on Cortex Command? i love you

Author:  Xery [ Mon Jun 13, 2011 5:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

Nonsequitorian wrote:
Howso? It's supposed to be in the barrel, I think it looks better that way.

It is when not HFlipped, but doesn't match properly when facing left.
And the bomb of bouncer cannon sometimes turn into terrain without exploding. You've set RestThreshold a negative value, so I don't know why but it just happened.

Author:  111herbert111 [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 1:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

I hope you take critique well, because I want to provide with some.
The laser thing obviously and the effects are a little over done on some weapons.
some of the sprites don't look very good IMO, specifically the Bouncer(the dark metal parts look all one colour) and the Dopple which just looks wrong to me.
I don't really like the casings disappearing before they hit the ground,
I also think you should make the boneduster shot invisible, this isn't something I normally like but seeing as how the gun shoots air.
The parkour is very very cool
Robot 1 arm edition is kinda pointless

total 8/10 GREAT! The fun far outweighs the few niggles I can muster.

Author:  111herbert111 [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release

Nonsequitorian wrote:
I'm using the premade air particles for the Duster. Unless you want me to make some new ones, I ain't gonna change it.

It was more of a matter of opinion so no big deal, it just seemed weird. Also, the bounce is kind of annoying.

The laser is fine unless you explain. It's saving you from shittons of lag by not firing at long ranges. They are built as a close range weapon. Bullets are for long ranges.

Thought the effect cut off was a glitch sorry.

Saying it just "looks wrong" gives me no frame of reference. What does "wrong" look like? It's supposed to look angular and tall. It's supposed to resemble the Gaylo assault rifle thing.

Sometimes I have trouble stating my thoughts on designs.
It's not the shape of the gun, I rather like the design, it's the texture, the gunmetal parts seems kind of, flat? One tone? I honestly don't know how to say it.

Author:  Asklar [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE

Will the 4 arms robot 1 hold 4 different weapons at the same time in the future? That would be awesome.

Other than that the mod is awesome.
And a little thing, could you make the parkour dude more resistant to falls? I landed from a decent height doing parkour thingies and stuff but it damaged him, he should be more resistant.

Author:  Clanelord [ Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE

For some reason I get this error on startup.

RTE Aborted!
Abortion in file .\system\Reader.cpp,line 534 because
Could not match properly in AmmoSquall.rte/Guns/Shotgun/Boneduster.ini at line 57!
The last frame has been dumped in abortscreen.bmp.

Running on B24 from HumbleIndieBundle,any idea what could cause this or how to fix it?

Author:  Clanelord [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX

Will you create alternative fire versions aswell?I'd love to use the good ol' Screamer with an explosive flare(took awhile for me to remember the name for some reason).

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX

Really nice Non, I've never played Bulletstorm but I like these guns. Needs custom sounds.

Author:  Mehman [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX

I think your lasers are too wide and not bright enough, imo something like this would be better:

Also your laser starts a few pixels from the muzzle of the gun so it doesn't look nice(corrected in this image), also preventing it from firing when the distance is > 2000px looks wierd, in that case maybe you should set the distance to 2000 so that it still shoots(like in this image).

Edit: Also I think the leash/kick should be an actor's special abillity rather than a weapon, as it is it's almost useless since you have to switch to it before using it, in the game you can use it at any time without putting down your weapon. If you want it to be buyable you can use something like my TK chip to make it available to actors that don't come from your mod.

Oh and your laser rifle muzzle offset is off by 8 px.

Author:  thesoupiest [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX

Be a dear and send me the code for making that laser. Credit where due.

Author:  Mehman [ Fri Jun 17, 2011 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: AmmoSquall Beta Release UPDATE DEUX

Non's original version or my modified one?

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