Browncoats Revampedered V1.03.2
This mod somewhat redesigns the Browncoats and buffs them up so they can be the glorious Russians Data never made them. Inside are edited sprites, some new weapons, and new functions for existing ones. Weapons that were deemed useless or way too niche have been removed to avoid bloat. Everything has been renamed using various Russian names and fictitious names.
The download below does NOT overwrite vanilla.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wbj9dtogui4xg ... e.rar?dl=0INSTRUCTIONS FOR OVERWRITING
In BrowncoatsRevampedered.rte is a Browncoats.rte. Drag this to the main directory and overwrite everything. Delete BrowncoatsRevampedered if you like.
V1.03.2 - Made all napalm stick to people if it initially hits them so it has an easier time damaging
V1.03.1 - Fixed issue with smoke collision that made the ROKS-2 hideously OP, raised price for ROKS-2
V1.03 - Added footsteps and falling sounds
V1.02 - Raised magazine size of Degtyarev to 66, added increasing RPM at the end
-Doubled flamethrower magazine size
Feb 5 2018 - Added .rte to replace vanilla with in main directory, drag and overwrite
V1.01 - Fixed bugs