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Recent Movies
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Author:  Contrary [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Recent Movies

Here are some opinions I posted on another forum, I'm just wondering if anyone here has seen them.

Recently I saw "Monsters" (the 2010 one) and man it was good. Normally I don't go for those quiet indie types but this one was great. I actually didn't really expect it to be indie-ish, I expected it to be District 9 again, maybe with a little bit more emphasis on the political allegory. Which would have been definitely enjoyable, but this was great. A lot of movies go for the long stretches of silence with awkward dialogue to portray genuine character interaction etc etc but a lot of them just come off as boring. "The Hurt Locker" for example, though I think that was a much higher budget film. But this one, broken up by some very minimalist action scenes, was really good.

Never Let Me Go is another great movie. It uses the old "clones raised as organ donor" plot line/ethical question which will be old hat to anyone with any experience with science fiction but that is just a platform for the powerful story of life in its entirety. The movie centers around the relations ship between three characters, portrayed mainly as young adults, though really the movie covers most of their lives. In a quick 103 minutes this film covers the issue (though this is too soft of a word) of time in life. Of course this is taken somewhat to an extremity but the naturally short life expectancy of organ donors but it is a beautiful and entirely applicable to all lives. It is a beautiful film that is only marred by the dead weight of the moral issue of organ livestock, I mean it's both a great premise and a great moral question, but it had no place in this movie and was really inadequately explored (there was a bit about souls and maybe a hinting of it as an allegory for the underclass? I dunno). I also didn't like the speech at then where it makes the message of the film so explicit, I think a silent ending would have fit the film more- but I understand the necessity.

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