Data Realms Fan Forums

Cursor Overlap (OSX Lion)
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Author:  DrZaloski [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 4:58 am ]
Post subject:  Cursor Overlap (OSX Lion)

I've been trying out the demo for a while now, and I can't help but notice the cursor overlay in Mac OSX Lion. Because the game cannot go into full screen, but still only identifies itself as a window, the game constantly has the desktop cursor overlap the game's cursor, and during actual game play (except the in-game menus) the primary (not the game's) cursor freezes itself to the middle of the screen. Although it seems like a small issue, it's incredibly annoying and gets very disorientating when trying to play the game. I'm okay with fullscreen not working, but I can't stand the mouse without it. I couldn't find anyone else with this problem on the forum. Any suggestions or help would be welcome.

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