Data Realms Fan Forums

1366x768 resolution cuts off world screen
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Author:  burningsky25 [ Fri Mar 01, 2013 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  1366x768 resolution cuts off world screen

Hey, so I'd love to be able to play at a higher resolution but when I switch to 1366x768 (my native resolution) it cuts off the top and bottom of the screen so when on the map selection screen I can't even select the uppermost and lower maps because they're off the screen. This makes 1366x768 unusable for me because when playing the campaign I can't even defend or attack the snow maps. This happens to a greater or lesser extent with most of the different resolutions I've tried, so right now I'm just playing at the lowest resolution which is 640x480 or something, if I remember correctly. Is this normal, and is there any way to fix that? Thanks!

What the map selection screen looks like.

EDIT: I thought questions like this would be under this section, but I found someone with the same problem under Game Discussion, viewtopic.php?f=4&t=45155, so my question has been answered. Hopefully a fix comes along at some point.

Author:  DeepThroatX [ Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 1366x768 resolution cuts off world screen

i has same problem!!

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