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Problem report loading up CC ):
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Author:  CoalitionFreak [ Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Problem report loading up CC ):

Hi, I tried launching CC with a couple of mods, this happened ):!

RTE Aborted! (x_x)
Failed to load datafile object with following path and name:


The last frame has been dumped to 'abortscreen.bmp'

You can copy this message with Ctrl+C

Author:  Corpsey [ Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem report loading up CC ):

You have a couple options...

The easiest one would be to make a folder in Coalition.rte/Devices/
called "RPGs",
then go into the sprites folder (which the sprites are now located in) and copy RocketA.bmp, and paste it into that new folder (RPGs)

Then do that for every single sprite it tries to load out of place ^^^ simple, will work, albeit you may need to restart the game like 12~20 times.

The more advanced way would be to open the mod that it crashes on (By either paying attention to the mod that it starts loading on startup, or rarely by opening the abortscreen.bmp image in the Cortex Command main directory), then figure out which device it was that was trying to load RocketA.bmp, and change the directory of the load (in the weapon's .ini file) from
ScreenEffect = ContentFile
FilePath = Coalition.rte/Devices/RPGs/RocketA.bmp
ScreenEffect = ContentFile
FilePath = Coalition.rte/Devices/Sprites/RocketA.bmp

Again this probably has to be done for each and every device the mod is trying to load, so the first option is relatively better, but more wasteful of computer resources (barely, anyways). I would also recommend backing up Coalition.rte before attempting any of this btw..

Alternatively, I suppose you can inform the mod creator that his mod is using old directory locations and wait for him/her to fix it.

I guess the last option is to ditch the mod.

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