Data Realms Fan Forums

Recoil reducing Lua script
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Author:  Dex98 [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:14 am ]
Post subject:  Recoil reducing Lua script

Whassup everyone?

This time i'm looking for a way to reduce gun recoil without using AEmitters.
If any of you lua wizards would be so kind to conjure up a script for me, that would be appreciated.

Off-Topic: Is there an Data realms Gmod server up yet?

Author:  4zK [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recoil reducing Lua script

There's a neat new property with HDFirearms as of B27 called RecoilTransmission. It chooses the amount of recoil that applies to the gun & actor.

Though, I have no idea why you'd rather reduce recoil with a script rather than an emitter.

Anyway, add something like this to the gun:

   ...ReloadTime =
   FullAuto =

   RecoilTransmission = x

   FireIgnoresThis =
   ShakeRange = ...

It reduces / increases recoil percentage, so 0.10 would be 10% of it, 0.50 half, 2 doubled and so on.

Author:  Dex98 [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recoil reducing Lua script

4zK wrote:
There's a neat new property with HDFirearms as of B27 called RecoilTransmission. It chooses the amount of recoil that applies to the gun & actor.

Though, I have no idea why you'd rather reduce recoil with a script rather than an emitter.

Anyway, add something like this to the gun:

   ...ReloadTime =
   FullAuto =

   RecoilTransmission = x

   FireIgnoresThis =
   ShakeRange = ...

It reduces / increases recoil percentage, so 0.10 would be 10% of it, 0.50 half, 2 doubled and so on.

Thanks. Weird i didn't notice the recoiltranmission thingy.

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