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A debris cleaning up device(grenade, gun, long range digger)
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Author:  TheStragedyGuy [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  A debris cleaning up device(grenade, gun, long range digger)

So i have had a lot of problems with testing out weapons and explosives in Luringen's Sand box firing range or any other maps but firing range has the least problems. So what im asking is that has anyone EVER thought of a grenade that eats up light debris of dropships actors etc or a Long range digger that has infite ammo and a straight line of light digger or even a bunker module that is basically a wall that can eat up all the debris in its way?

I mean im just asking if there is one lying around, im not forcing anyone or telling someone to do it....

Author:  Asklar [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A debris cleaning up device(grenade, gun, long range digger)

I'm pretty sure that the mod DSTech had a wall that you placed and periodically sent a wall of pixels in a direction to rape all the scrap.

Now, we also have UniTec's cleaning tool, which was a particle sprayer that would also eat up debris while keeping bunker materials untouched.

There must be more mods though, this are the only ones I can remember of right now.

Author:  Collective [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A debris cleaning up device(grenade, gun, long range digger)

The Coalition Pulse Digger works wonderfully for cleanup, but it's got a very short range.

Author:  Asklar [ Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A debris cleaning up device(grenade, gun, long range digger)

Collective wrote:
The Coalition Pulse Digger works wonderfully for cleanup, but it's got a very short range.

Great idea, you can mod it's particles to have a longer life time, reduce it's mass and increase it's speed in order to keep it balanced and efective to clean large areas quickly.

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