Data Realms Fan Forums

Transformation Script?
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Author:  Izak12 [ Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Transformation Script?

hello, I need a script that is capable of transforming an object into another one with a press of a button or two presses of the same button within a certain amount of time.

It needs to also be able to change back with the same presses or commands.

I'd also like to know if it was possible to create a script that activates on this command to play a simple 6 frame animation during the duration, and during this animation it prevents the script from being able to be activated again until its finished (that part is pushing it).

Any help is appreciated.

To elaborate, it would transform the specific actor or object into another actor or object, Well, sans object, it'd have to be an actor to be able to be selected in the first place. So Actor to Actor Swapping.

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