Data Realms Fan Forums

Burrowing Melee Monster Mod (bugs)
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Author:  Thathippie [ Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Burrowing Melee Monster Mod (bugs)

Hi CC fans and modders. I was wondering if its possible to create a Monster or Creature that can burrow at a fast pace, and has a nasty gory melee?
I really love CC, Especially the defense modes. Imagine wave defense but with bugs, like Starship Trooper bugs. Ones that burrow and spit acid, the
main drone warrior, the big plasma mortar ones, and the brain bug. maybe the flying ones. Anyway I would love to see this mod along and i may be
willing to pay some $ for it. Any feedback or opinions would be awesome. Thanks

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