Data Realms Fan Forums

Monster Units
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Author:  Enderstep [ Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Monster Units

Hi im new here ! i just wanted to request a mod where you can buy and controle a monster that can eat other units like when we hold the fire button he open his mouth and when we release he close his mouth ? good idea no ? i think it would be really cool a giant monster that can eat other unit...i cant do mod so that's why i request...
if you want idea you can always take a monster from games.
so yeah bye ! and thanks if you make that mod ! :grin:
ho and before you quit three monster would be cool one on the ground one flying and one who can go through earth.
Edit 1: For the three monster its your choice your can just do one monster ! its YOUR mod ! and my idea !
Edit 2:Im currently trying to sprite but im new to spriting :P ill post my psriting and you can help me make them better or even help me scripting them since i cant script without some character losing his legs :-( (it really happen)
Edit 3 (many edit lol) : cant srpite i dont the "thing" to srpite...well ill wait a bit longer...
Edit 4 (i like edit) : i just thinked that i give you a list for idea for in-game monster : the monster hunter series , Evolve , the resident evil series and thats all maybe more idea will come with that but you can do your own monster of your imagination

Author:  Enderstep [ Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Monster Units

Its cool there is many view for that idea :grin: :grin: :grin: !
but its missing something...
i know reply your idea ! or if your interested in the mod or not !

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