Data Realms Fan Forums

Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod
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Author:  werff [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

Well i'm only asking about some melee faction, with only melee weapons (well some ranged too XD) but mainly melee, with fast hitting médium to high power melee weapons.
The most important thing are te weapons, but if some one makes actors, and a brain it will be intresting to play with it.
Also they need to hace shields, and if there are actors not very heavy, but like the (for example) browncoalt light, in terms of armor. (They need to reach te enemy first XD)

Ofcourse one and two handed weapons, not only one handed or two handed.

Thx to all for reading it, really thanks.

Author:  Corpsey [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

I kind of use the Sergal faction for this. Spear/sword + shield.


Sadly they're borderline OP with the spear+shield combo because the maps are kind of set up so that a decent melee tool can be insanely powerful (see: any soldier with a digger)

Author:  Asklar [ Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

Melee Master Arms

They should work in latest build, in case it doesn't it's probably just referencing issues.


Huh, I can't get the url tag to work properly.

Fixed it for you -Duh

Author:  werff [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

But i found a problem with the melee masters mod...

They caan't be selected as a tech/factio for nany gamemode, nor metagame, nor any kind of simple gamemode

Author:  Asklar [ Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

The fix is adding "tech" at the end of the name of the faction in the index.ini file. Problem is they won't have any presets either.

You could make your own if you wanted, or ask Duh (the creator) to make them for you (which would be better, but either apply).

Asklar wrote:
Melee Master Arms

They should work in latest build, in case it doesn't it's probably just referencing issues.


Huh, I can't get the url tag to work properly.

Fixed it for you -Duh

Thanks Duh Image

Author:  Duh102 [ Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sugestion about a faction/weapons mod

I was already contacted about this and I will not create them as I'm too lazy. However, I have no problem with people modifying my mods or even releasing new versions of it, as explained at the top of the mod's topic, so feel free.

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