Data Realms Fan Forums

whenever I start the scene I made it says Fail
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Author:  firas724 [ Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  whenever I start the scene I made it says Fail

as the title states,
whenever I start the scene I made it says Fail, I run it throught Sandbox, Default mission(or testing I dont really remember) and/or skrimish mission, never works

Author:  arkman [ Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: whenever I start the scene I made it says Fail

Did you make the scene from scratch or through the scene editor,
Did you add any areas to the scene in the area editor?
Did you add a brain to the scene on accident somewhere where it gets instagibbed?
^^^ On a side note if you start the game as a different team do you still get a Fail message or do you get a Win message?

If you open the console (~) as soon as the game starts do you see anything?

If you checked all of this, can you upload a copy of the scene so someone here can help figure out what is going on?

Edit: bleh, didn't realize how old this was, I think I might be too late :/

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