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Nightmare House 2
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Author:  Sothe [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 4:46 am ]
Post subject:  Nightmare House 2
A really interesting Hospital horror, experiencing the true vision of the original map pack in HL2, and introducing a very new and horrifying SP experience.
You start out in a destroyed Psych Ward, and get contacted by a scientist, instructing you to find him to plan an escape. Has a lot of horror features originally attempted in F.E.A.R, but does them much better in my opinion. This includes malefic visions and subliminal coaching. The horror experience is essentially a blend of F.E.A.R, and Afraid Of Monsters: Directors Cut. The combat in this game requires a lot of evasion, especially early game, much like Afraid Of Monsters, but it's significantly easier to kite with your melee weapon. One of the greatest parts of this game is the experience with the Spec Ops, they were done very well, not to mention their hilarious one-liners. "You remember when they would split up in Scooby Doo, and Fred would end up getting into a threesome?"

Pretty solid horror right here. Boom. Ten out of ten. Won Single Player Mod of the year 2010.


Author:  Lucem [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare House 2

Although being pretty good for a mod, it's merely OK within the horror genre. The game throws out a lot of "cheap scares," like flashing a certain ghost girl in front of you repeatedly, as well as having more cumbersome than scary darkness. Also, the final battle feels lacking; basically, all you do is whack at planks of wood repeatedly until the nightmare machine falls onto the ground, while the Dr. Romero tosses repetitive lines at you. Not very conducive to horror.

Author:  Sothe [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare House 2

You have a point where after a while it gets cheap, but it has ♥♥♥♥ I've never seen. For one, the moving manikins kept me on edge. The girl thing did get annoying, but was done better than it was in FEAR. Oh also, seeing the Spec Op team slowly die one by one was really psychological.

Author:  Duh102 [ Mon Jan 23, 2012 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nightmare House 2

I liked it, because hey, free game. Kept me on my toes with all the jump scares, nothing too deep, but enjoyable.

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