Data Realms Fan Forums

The Path
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Author:  Sothe [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:21 am ]
Post subject:  The Path

An easily overlooked, but very artistic game made by Tale of Tales. Here is the site.
It's essentially an exploration game. You find strange things in the forest using the different sisters, and you eventually encounter your "wolf", which is a manifestation of your vulnerabilities, flaws, and doubts. The wolf ranges from an actual werewolf, to a misty figure, to a strange lumberjack in the middle of the forest. Each girl is a little different, could represent general archetypes of girls, could represent their change of attitude, appearance, and maturity as they get older. The games creators kind of leave you to figure out everything yourself. Loads and loads of symbolism and imagery, couldn't get enough. I loved the visuals and audio, only one thing wrong with the game. The one major flaw is the extremely long time it takes to get around and find things. It's macabre, but has a fair share of scary things.

Has anyone else played it?

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