Data Realms Fan Forums

Darkling Room / Shadow Tor / Jonathan Boakes
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Author:  Sothe [ Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Darkling Room / Shadow Tor / Jonathan Boakes

There's a small web of UK publishers/developers who work on ghost story point and click adventures. The main influence on these games being Jonathan Boakes. I was wondering if anybody here played any of their games. They produced and released titles like the Dark Fall series, Barrow Hill, and The Lost Crown. They're now working on two new games: Wychwood Hollow, a sequel to Barrow Hill, their pagan mystery game, and The Last Crown, a sequel to their more popular haunted house game, The Lost Crown. The games themselves can be tedious to play, but offer great atmosphere, and in their later titles, actual scares.

So yeah, I think these games are neat, Do you guys?

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