Data Realms Fan Forums

Roll To Mech: Khorosho
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Author:  Ragdollmaster [ Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

>Go towards A1.

Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

Who are we waiting on? I think we're missing a pilot-post.

Author:  Amazigh [ Tue Jan 08, 2013 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

As you are deploying John calls out to everyone else, "Target one is B1. Once we get that down, we both eliminate one of the enemy high-ground camps, and we'll have a good spot to snipe from." To which Irvine replies, "Roger that, commencing signature masking and electronic monitoring. Stay close and in the bubble now." Then Harald pipes up with "If B1 is our first main target, I could keep our right flank clear of enemies by clearing up camp A1."

> Get a trailer ready but don't get on yet, move slightly forward so I have a good view of A2 not blocked by friendlies.
Set Railgun rounds to Frag and Autocannon to Scatter Rounds for both barrels.
Zoom in on camp A2, see what sort of enemies are there if I can.

Pilot name: John Freemech
Description: An energetic man with a fearsome beast of a goatee.
You lurch over to a trailer and ride on down the exit ramp, before taking a good look out towards A2, unfortunately this area has heavy Nanite pollution and dust storms, and you can't make out anything at this distance.
Mech: Starbanger

Charge towards A1 and smash my spear into the closest enemy I meet.
Pilot name: Barqa Octavius
Description: A veteran warrior with a temper, got sick of fighting for the companies and went rogue. Although he has a short fuse the man is still far more intelligent than he looks
Ability: Jet charge [+2 to the first attack made against an enemy with the lance]
Full of Adrenaline you start charging towards A1, ready to crush some Reaver scum.
Mech: Retiarius

>Get on a trailer.
Pilot name: Harald "Hardrada" Blomgren
Description: A broad of build but rather short figure with a magnificent red beard. Doesn't talk much.
You stomp over to a trailer and ride it down and sit steady with John.
Mech: The Lumberjack

> Follow the group, act as rear-guard. No Trailer.
Pilot Name: Markus "Mark" Tullen
Description: A light-skinned skinny 26 year-old man who used to work in an engineering bay. He doesn't say much, and is described as being "in the zone" when working.
Ability: Zen [+2 Accuracy, -2 Movement/Evasion] [2 Turn Duration, 3 Turn Cooldown [after end duration]]
You fly out and hover over John and Harald, waiting for them to get moving.
Mech: Snipehawk

>Go towards A1.
Pilot Name: Johann Metzger
Description: A friendly and easy-going fellow of German descent with excellent natural reflexes, he's a deadly speed demon in his mech.
Ability: Brawler [+1 to Melee attacks / -1 to Ranged attacks]
You head out at a dead sprint, towards A1 eager to cut some Reavers apart.
Mech: White Flash

>Irvine: Prowl on out without a trailer, since Delta can keep pace with the trailers on foot. Start jamming enemy sensors once we're closer, and monitor any comms chatter. If they spot us, switch over to jamming their comms instead so they can't radio home.
Pilot Name: Irvine Callahan
Description: A lanky, tanned American pilot who lost his right eye before joining the mercs. It doesn't seem to have negatively affected his piloting skills. Calm and confident.
Ability: Evasion Focus [Scaling/variable skill: Evasion Focus (3) = +3 evasion, -3 accuracy. Evasion Focus (5) = +5 evasion, -5 accuracy. Etc.]
After starting up, you walk out of the Mechbay and engage your Hybrid Electronic Suite to severely impair any sensors that the Reavers might have before heading towards A1.
Mech: Bloodhound "Delta"

If you want to wait for everyone to arrive at the same time [go slower than your top speed] then say so
[the little orange crosses represent roughly where each group of mechs is]
John, Harald and Markus are all still at the exit ramp, while Barqa, Johann and Irvine are headed towards A1.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Fri Jan 11, 2013 6:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

> Alright, drive towards A1. Keep an eye on sensors, stop as soon as I get a reading on anything that way.

Author:  maart3n [ Fri Jan 11, 2013 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

Continue moving towards a1. Fire missiles!

Author:  Natti [ Fri Jan 11, 2013 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

>Stay with the group.

Author:  Arcalane [ Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

> Same as before. "Easy there you two, this isn't a race to see who can get the most kills."

Author:  Ragdollmaster [ Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

"Let's get an idea of where each enemy is. Burqa and I can act as shock troops and just cut through all the nearest ones before they have a chance to really react, so if all our ranged and indirect types target the enemies that are further away, we should be able to sync up and nearly wipe them all out in one fell swoop. Even if we don't get every last one, the blow will at least scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of whoever is left alive." >Advance, but do not engage just yet- wait until everyone is in range and ready to act.

Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

"Sounds like a plan."

> Trail behind the advancing party, keep sharp for enemy targets.

Author:  Amazigh [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

Still heading towards A1 Irvine shouts over the comms to Barqa and Johann, "Easy there you two, this isn't a race to see who can get the most kills." Barqa ingores him, but Johann takes heed and replies, "Let's get an idea of where each enemy is. Burqa and I can act as shock troops and just cut through all the nearest ones before they have a chance to really react, so if all our ranged and indirect types target the enemies that are further away, we should be able to sync up and nearly wipe them all out in one fell swoop. Even if we don't get every last one, the blow will at least scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of whoever is left alive." to which Markus responds, "Sounds like a plan."

> Alright, drive towards A1. Keep an eye on sensors, stop as soon as I get a reading on anything that way.
Zoom in on camp A2, see what sort of enemies are there if I can.

Pilot name: John Freemech
Description: An energetic man with a fearsome beast of a goatee.
You head towards A1 keeping an eye on your sensors, but fail to pick anything up, seems you aren't close enough yet.
Mech: Starbanger

maart3n [5-2-1+3+1=6] [6]
Continue moving towards a1. Fire missiles!
Pilot name: Barqa Octavius
Description: A veteran warrior with a temper, got sick of fighting for the companies and went rogue. Although he has a short fuse the man is still far more intelligent than he looks
Ability: Jet charge [+2 to the first attack made against an enemy with the lance]
Ignoring Irvine and Johann, you charge ahead, and reach A1 before anyone else, spot several light vehicles, some tanks and three large tents, you fire off a pair of missiles, but one veers off to the side at just the last moment and the other is shot down by an extremely lucky spray of machinegun fire, shortly after your missiles explode three NTs spring up from under the tents.
Mech: Retiarius

>Stay with the group.
Pilot name: Harald "Hardrada" Blomgren
Description: A broad of build but rather short figure with a magnificent red beard. Doesn't talk much.
You stick with the group, waiting patiently to get into the fight.
Mech: The Lumberjack

> Trail behind the advancing party, keep sharp for enemy targets.
Pilot Name: Markus "Mark" Tullen
Description: A light-skinned skinny 26 year-old man who used to work in an engineering bay. He doesn't say much, and is described as being "in the zone" when working.
Ability: Zen [+2 Accuracy, -2 Movement/Evasion] [2 Turn Duration, 3 Turn Cooldown [after end duration]]
You fly overhead of the group, and fortunately nothing is comes your way.
Mech: Snipehawk

>Advance, but do not engage just yet- wait until everyone is in range and ready to act.
Pilot Name: Johann Metzger
Description: A friendly and easy-going fellow of German descent with excellent natural reflexes, he's a deadly speed demon in his mech.
Ability: Brawler [+1 to Melee attacks / -1 to Ranged attacks]
You fall back a bit then keep pace with the slower Mechs as you head towards the target.
Mech: White Flash

> Same as before.
Pilot Name: Irvine Callahan
Description: A lanky, tanned American pilot who lost his right eye before joining the mercs. It doesn't seem to have negatively affected his piloting skills. Calm and confident.
Ability: Evasion Focus [Scaling/variable skill: Evasion Focus (3) = +3 evasion, -3 accuracy. Evasion Focus (5) = +5 evasion, -5 accuracy. Etc.]
You keep your jamming up, while you head towards the Camp with the rest of the Group.
Mech: Bloodhound "Delta"

Barqa is at A1, while John, Harald, Markus, Johann and Irvine are getting close to A1.

Author:  Natti [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

>Keep moving.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho


Author:  Arcalane [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

> Once we're in range, target the enemies that pose the greatest threat to us (e.g. anti-tank guns/missile launchers) with the Disruptor Beam Cannons.

Author:  maart3n [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

Move closer to the nt's so I can finish them off with melee. fire two more missiles at (near) stationary targets.

Author:  Amazigh [ Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll To Mech: Khorosho

TorrentHKU wrote:
see if I can link up with Barqa's mech, get sensor/map data from it.

maart3n wrote:
Give John access to a live video feed and jet charge the nt's.

Neither of you have fancy computers etc. so you're unable to do this, also you're currently too far away to be able to charge them, and it'll take, 2/3 turns to get into melee range.

Also, It'll take 2 turns for everyone else to arrive if they stick together, but Cave and Rag could arrive next turn if they went ahead.

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