Data Realms Fan Forums

Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
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Author:  TorrentHKU [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

This is going to be an arena style game like CaveCricket48's Grinder! Difference is, this will be with all characters from the various Blueniverse games.
CaveCricket48 wrote:

How do I join?
Post a copy of your character sheet from the 'Roll to Dodge' game that you're submitting it from with only the equipment you want to use.

Items and abilities gained during this game will be transferred to your character in the 'Roll to Dodge' that you used. However, if your character in the outside game received an item AFTER you enter here, it will not be added to this character's inventory.

Dying here will not penalize your character in another game.

This means that any character currently in any of the following may join:
Roll to Dodge - Psychic
Roll to Dodge - Mecha
RtD - Blue: On the Day of an Angel
Roll 2 Dodge (Srs RtD)

So basically, you enter a character from any Blueniverse RtD, fight enemies, and win FABULOUS PRIZES! If you die, then no hard feelings and you keep any FABULOUS PRIZES you've won so far! I've talked this over with Yoman, and come to the decision that rather than having your prizes poof into existence like CC48 does it, they will appear soon after winning them in a plot sensitive way, such as an airdrop, a dead enemy with the prize on them, or a hidden supply cache.

I'll be using a D10, and I'll be fairly merciless here as well. If your character dies, then feel free to reapply them, or maybe a different character if you're in multiple RtDs.

And as for characters from Mecha, you'll be shrunken down to human size, rather than forced to battle outside your mechs. I may be evil, but I'm not cruel.


Author:  CaveCricket48 [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

From Psychic.

Name: Raphael
Age: 24
Appearance: Light skin, black hair and grey eyes. Not stronger than a normal person, but very agile.
- Spas-12 (Held)
-- 8/8 Rounds
- MP7 (Holstered)
-- 45/45 Rounds
- Bandoliers
-- 30 Buckshot shells
-- 5 Flash grenades, 5 Concussion grenades
-- 30 Baton shells
-- 4 MP7 Magazines
- Backpack
-- Roll of Duct Tape
-- 82 Buckshot shells
-- 30 Slug rounds
-- 10 Breaching rounds
-- 10 Dragon's Breath rounds
-- 225 4.6x30mm rounds

- Stealthy (+1 stealth actions)

Psionics: 2
- Psionic Power
-- Objects cannot go further than 2 feet from body
-- Basic shapes and objects
Negation: 1
- Basic Negation
-- 5 Meter range
-- Limited Negation

Author:  Ociamarru [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

I'd put Vlad on here because he'd kick ass at this, but that RtD is almost coming to the end, so his cousin Vadim will have to take part in the slaughtering. Might as well take all the equipment, he'll need it.

Name: Vadim Ivanov
Age: 37
Appearance: Russian features, pale skin. Striking green eyes and dirty blonde hair. Large, at around 6'4", with a slender build. One may say he's almost skeletal-looking, although he isn't incredibly skinny; his height just adds to the illusion and makes him seem rather thinner than he really is. As is, he isn't weak, but he isn't particularly muscular. More lean than skinny.

- FN F2000 (Equipped)
-- Suppressor
-- Holographic Sight
-- 30/30 Rounds
- Sig Sauer P226 (Holstered)
-- 12/12 Rounds
- MBAV Vest
- Radio Earpiece
- Satchel
-- Medkit
-- 150 5.56 Rounds
-- 48 9mm Rounds

- Pain Resistance (can take lots of pain, but obviously if he breaks his leg and still uses it, it's gonna make the injury worse)
- Hammer Blow (Extra strong physical attack, requires blunt weapon)

Psionics: 3
- Psionic Power
-- Objects cannot go further than 4 foot from body
-- Mildly complex objects, complex shapes

Author:  Tokochiro [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Name: Mana
Age: 23
Appearance: 5' 8" tall, tan skin, brown hair, black eyes, thin and a b cup.

- M32 Multiple Grenade Launcher
-- 0/6 Rounds
- Glock 17
-- 18/18 Rounds
-- Silencer
- Ammunition
-- 72 Hollow Point 9mm Rounds
-- 22 M32 Incendiary grenades
-- 30 M32 Fragmentation grenades
- Earpiece

- Watchful (+1 when looking around for particurlarly useful things)


Psychic:Mind Reading: 0
Mind Control: 0
Probability Control: 0
Clairvoyance: 0
Mental Warfare: 0

Pyrokinesis: 0
Telekinesis: 1
- Basic Telekinesis
-- Cannot lift more than about 5 kg
-- Range: 5 meters
Technokinesis: 0
Psionics: 0
Negation: 0

Unspent Points: 0

Author:  Amazigh [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Amazigh ("Amazigh"):
- Cyborg Enhancements
- Field Medical Kit
-- No "Bleeding Stopper"
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock


Author:  Tomaster [ Mon May 16, 2011 3:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [3]:
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock


Author:  Yoman987 [ Mon May 16, 2011 6:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Can I play as Yoman from RtDMecha? Or Barker?

Author:  caekdaemon [ Mon May 16, 2011 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Name : VN Warrior
10ft tall Spider-mech, Grey metallic pain, Y-shaped feet, Serial no. on back, Robotik© logo
Large Size (+1 to taking specific damage, cannot fit in small spaces)
Core Processing (Exploitable, Fast 'thinking')
Loud (Cannot sneak)
Metal Plate Armour (Immune to small arms fire)
Thermal/Night Vision Camera (Automatic, no darkness modifiers)
Rotary Autocannon (125/125 shells)
Modified M1b Browning Machinegun (500/500 rounds)
Mk. IV Robotik© Octo-Core Realtime Processing Unit (A.I. V1.1b)
High Resolution Camera (Thermal/Night Vision)
Storage Container (10 slots used, 2 available)
- 9x Cannon Ammo box (125 shells ea, Minor reload action)
- 1x Browning Ammo box (500 rounds, Major reload action)

Count me in.

Author:  Tomaster [ Mon May 16, 2011 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

...I think you need to be an active player to be in.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Mon May 16, 2011 9:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Tomaster wrote:
...I think you need to be an active player to be in.

Who was that directed at?

I'm a active player, I do play the VN Warrior from RtD 2.

Author:  Ociamarru [ Mon May 16, 2011 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

It was directed at Yoman, because he isn't an active player - I thought it was pretty obvious. Well that's six characters, so do we start?

Author:  Yoman987 [ Tue May 17, 2011 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Well that is why I asked.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Wed May 18, 2011 12:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder - BY TOOTH AND NAIL

Yoman, no and no.
Also rolling.

CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [-]:

Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [-]:

Tokochiro (Mana) [-]:

Amazigh ("Amazigh") [-]:

Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [-]:

caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [-]:

Game Events: 6 Warriors appear in a colosseum. It's a massive arena, hundreds of feet across and perfectly circular. The stands are absolutely deserted, save for two people sitting opposite the warriors, halfway up the stands. A man in a white overcoat, and someone in a dark blue cloak covering their features. Suddenly, 6... things appear on the other end of the arena.
They're sharks. Sharks with burly, muscular human arms and legs. The sharks look around for a moment, confused. Then one sights the 6 warriors, and gives a piercing scream. The other 5 snap to attention, noticing the warriors. All 6 sharks charge.

Author:  Yoman987 [ Wed May 18, 2011 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

TorrentHKU wrote:
Yoman, no and no.
Also rolling.


Author:  Ociamarru [ Wed May 18, 2011 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder

Go look for some cover and head to it. Then, fire a three-shot burst from the F2000 on the closest shark-man, to see the effect it has and get an idea of how durable these guys are.
"What happened to that blonde woman?"

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