Data Realms Fan Forums

RtD:The Mana Shift
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Author:  saymana11 [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 3:14 pm ]
Post subject:  RtD:The Mana Shift

Though is has been many a years after the last Shift. The first one. It was supposed to be the last. Years of alchemy and magic set back. Forever. Science was the new mana. The shadowy group called "The Foundation" made sure that science would become their slave. That technology was their weapon. However. Now. In this second in this microscopic second, everything that everyone has EVER worked for gained, everything to do with this science all the violent bloodshed caused by it. Will be wrecked.
How? What ungodly power could do this?
Oh that my the story.
All of you were born. There is no other way to be forged correct? No. The Foundation knows another way. Other than birth, other than cloning. They found another way of making you. There were 5* of you. You were all born this other way.
*Limit of people
The other way was using the old way. A way older than the earth itself. You all were born in the Mana Forge. Deep in the belly of the Foundation. One lucky scientist got to build you. Piece. By. Piece. He/She would be perfect to him/her.
They had to fill out a form. It looked like this:

Hello fellow foundation scientist!

Please fill out the following form to make your own Mana Being!
Note:No mana being will ever come in contact with you.

NAME OF BEING HERE:________________

PLEASE ENTER PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION:________________________________________________________

PLEASE ENTER MENTAL DESCRIPTION:_____________________________________________________________

PLEASE ENTER MANA TYPE(your powers. Please limit them to not OP and a max of 3)_______________________________________________________________________________

PLEASE ENTER GENDER:____________________________________________________________

FORM PROCESSING..................

Yes. Another way. But...mana was gone long ago. When the last shift happened.
By toying with this power..."The Foundation" would cause the end of the world as they knew it.
And you. The Mana Being' would be the leader of the end.

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