Data Realms Fan Forums

Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)
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Author:  mikolaj007 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

Hello, i am here to present my idea.
i put up a drawing map of lines and everyone is supposed to draw a stickman doing something:Shooting, kicking, punching
i will explain the modes right now
FFA - its just for fun nobody wins. its for the most epic fight scenes
Color war - colored stickman teams fight each other.
Style War - stickmans vs realistic dudes or something else
Please comment the idea and vote.

Author:  maart3n [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

Here's the point with what you're suggesting and why a lot of people will be against it. You just described a game that already exists, entire forums are dedicated to it. But you claim the idea as your own. But what you have here is nothing, you make a black suggestion and tell us to make up the game for you.

So I vote none of the above. I'm telling you to reconsider, to think before you act. And above all to start capitalizing your I's.

Author:  mikolaj007 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

ok sorry but it is not picture wars.
if anyone ever drew stickfigure wars in your notebook you should know it
If not read this

After I will come back from my classes i will put up a photo of an example

EDIT:what game is that you are describing?

Author:  Foa [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

Pixel Wars, exactly the same premise, but a hell of a lot more fleshed out, and looks a lot better.

A fusion of strategy war gaming (establishing/fighting an army), role playing (it's simply no fun to just build an army, they are people, fighting over real things), and pixelling (aka, spriting).

Author:  mikolaj007 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

tried brickwars once...

Author:  maart3n [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

So you are instead suggesting a game infinitely less interesting?

Author:  mikolaj007 [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

ok remove this topic....

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets FIGHT (Drawing game)

I love it when things work themselves out.

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