I don't think that syntax is correct Coops and in any case like 4zK said it would only work for specific actors.
Here's my get module function (which was made with the help of Foa, CaveCricket and Bad Boy):
--Get Module Function
function GetModule(Preset)
--print("getting module")
for i = 0, (PresetMan:GetTotalModuleCount()-1) do
Preset.TempModule = PresetMan:GetEntityDataLocation(Preset.ClassName, Preset.PresetName, i)
local number1, number2 = string.find(Preset.TempModule, ".rte")
if number2 ~= nil then
local TempModule = string.sub(Preset.TempModule, 1, number2)
Preset.Module = TempModule
return Preset.Module
This is what I use to get modules in my custom activities. It should in theory work with both actors and weapons, but I've only tried it with actors.